ROTHSAY, Minn.– A woman was assaulted and stabbed at a Rothsay gas station Monday morning, according to the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office.
The incident took place at the Rothsay Truckstop early Monday morning. Authorities say a 42-year-old woman was stabbed in an incident with a 52-year-old male named John Fogleman.
Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office were sent to investigate the scene and all parties were there upon arrival. The woman was taken to a hospital where her conditions are non-life threatening. According to the OTC Sheriff’s Office, the two individuals knew each other and there was no risk to the public.
Below is the full statement from the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office:
“On 03/06/2023 at 00:09 AM, Otter Tail County Dispatch took a 911 complaint of a stabbing that occurred at the Rothsay Truckstop. The incident was investigated by the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office and all involved parties were accounted for. A 42-year-old female received a stab would during the incident and was later transported to a hospital. Her condition is believed to be non-life threatening in nature. A 52-year-old male later identified as John Fogleman was later arrested for charges of second-degree assault and domestic assault. The parties were known to each other and there is no risk to the public. The Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by the Wilkin County Sheriff’s Office, Pelican Rapids Police Department, Rothsay Rescue, and Pelican Rapids Ambulance.”