Wolverines Weekly 3000

Wolverines Weekly

Recap the last week of action in Wadena-Deer Creek athletics! Host CJ Baumgartner sits down with Wolverine coaches, players, and more.

Latest Episodes

Wolverines Weekly 12/14/24: Dennis Kaatz Recap, Basketball Recaps, & WPS Kaylee Endres
Head boys basketball coach After a early season Section 8AA win, coach Cresap chats about what he liked in the performance of the girls basketball team Dennis Kaatz recap and a preview into an individual meet in Brainerd, coach Wollum shares ...
Wolverines Weekly 12/7/24: Winter Sports Are BACK!
CJ talks with WDC head boys basketball coach Kevin Tumberg on what his expectations are for a Wolverine basketball team with plenty of new faces The season is off on the right foot for WDC girls basketball, head coach Jordan Cresap ...
Wolverines Weekly 11/9/24: Wrapping Up Fall Sports With AD Norm Gallant
Wadena-Deer Creek Wolverines Activities Director Norm Gallant joins Wolverines Weekly to go over all of the fall sports action at WDC! Talking volleyball and tennis milestones and recapping football and cross country A brief look at the winter sports season coming ...
Wolverines Weekly 11/2/24: Volleyball & Tennis Wrap-Ups, State CX Preview, & WPS – Montana Carsten
After a 5-set classic, WDC volleyball has their season come to a close. Coach Volkmann talks about the game, how much the seniors have meant to this program, and what excites her for the 2025 WDC volleyball team The state cross ...
Wolverines Weekly 10/26/24: State Tennis Matches, Cross Country Section Runs, Volleyball Rolls, & WPS Mason Brauch
WDC Wolverines win their first two playoff matches in straight sets, hear what coach Volkmann had to say before their matchup with Thief River Falls on Friday night! Both Wolverine cross country teams record top 4 finishes at the section race ...
Wolverines Weekly 10/19/24: Football Wrap-Up, More Volleyball Milestones, PRC CX Recaps, & A WDC Tennis Duo Goes To STATE
After a tough decision to end the Wolverine football season early, WDC head football coach Kyle Petermeier explains what went into making the call, his respect for the seniors, and what he's excited about in the 2025 Wolverine football team Payton ...
Wolverines Weekly 10/12/24: Finding Strides & Wrapping Up Regular Seasons
Coach Kyle Petermeier talks about Breckenridge and improvements he's seen in his squad as they compete throughout the season The Wolverine volleyball team has found their groove and coach Volkmann explains why and how they finish the regular season All regular ...
Wolverines Weekly 10/5/24: Big Milestones, Big Races, And Playoff Previews
After their game against Walker-Hackensack-Akeley, coach Petermeier gives his thoughts on the game and early insights on their matchup next week vs. Breckenridge Addy Gravelle reaches career set no. 3,000! Coach Volkmann shares her improvements and what makes her such an ...
Wolverines Weekly 9/28/24: WDC Homecoming 2024 Edition!
After a homecoming matchup with NYM, coach Petermeier breaks down the game and previews a matchup with Walker-Hackensack-Akeley Recapping a tournament of some of the best Class AA teams in the state and a matchup with a Section 8AA along with ...
Wolverines Weekly 9/21/24: Lessons Learned, Plus More Big Races & Matches
WDC football coach Kyle Petermeier recaps what his team learned from their game against Parkers Prairie and where his team goes for the second half of the season After a 1-1 week, head volleyball coach Sue Volkmann talks about what her ...