HUBBARD COUNTY, Minn.– The Hubbard County Sheriff’s Mounted Posse Annual Fall Fundraiser is back on Saturday!
It will be a weekend full of activities including camping from Friday-Sunday, wagon rides starting at 3p.m. on Saturday, and numerous raffle prizes, including a Henry Golden Boy .22 rifle. The event will feature a hog roast and smoked turkey dinner plus all the fixings from 5-6:30 p.m. on Saturday.
The event will take place at the Posse Training Center that’s located north of Lake George, four miles north of the junction of 185th Ave. and Highway 71. Signs will also be posted on Highway 71.
Proceeds will go towards scholarships and training for the posse. Tickets are $10 and kids under 6 years old eat free. For tickets, you can contact a posse member or the sheriff’s department at 732-3331. Tickets will also be sold at the gate. For more information, you can click here for their Facebook page