Hosted by the Wadena County Humane Society, socialization and obedience classes will be held for dogs on Sunday, September 12 at 6 p.m. at the VFW Back Room at 213 1st Street SE in Wadena. Only positive reinforcement will be used in the training program.
Those attending will need to bring a 6 foot leather or web training leash (no chain leashes), a training collar, gentle leader or halti collar, and up to date vaccination records for your dog. Pet owners should dress comfortable because they will be doing a lot of walking. Trainers ask that you don’t feed your dog before classes or you will be doing a lot of clean up! Cleaning materials and bags will be provided.
Advanced obedience classes are also available. This will introduce off-lead training on the heeling, sit, sit stay and down stay, stand for exam and recall exercises. Agility training will also be offered in the spring. Those will teach your dog to jump over hurdles, walk the A frame, go through a tunnel and stay on a pause table.
For any additional information, contact the Wadena County Humane Society at (218) 632-5938.