Sacred Heart Fish Fry-Days Return For Lent
STAPLES, Minn.– Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Staples will be brining back one of its biggest traditions during Lent and is inviting the local communities to join in. The church…
STAPLES, Minn.– Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Staples will be brining back one of its biggest traditions during Lent and is inviting the local communities to join in. The church…
ARCHIE LAKES, Minn.– The Archie Lake’s 10th Annual Vintage Snowmobile ride will be celebrating a decade of cruising through area trails. The ride will take place on Saturday, March 5…
WADENA, Minn.– Local public service agencies and Minnesota State Community and Technical College in Wadena are hosting a Battle of the Badges blood drive event next week. The blood drive…
WADENA & OTTER TAIL, Minn.– No travel advisories have been issued for Wadena and Otter Tail Counties due to the winter storm going through the area. These announcements came in…
VERNDALE, Minn.– St. Frederick Church will be hosting a rummage sale next Saturday. The sale will take place on Saturday, February 26 and will go from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. that…
WADENA, Minn.– The North Country Friends of the NRA will be holding a Gun Bash Raffle this weekend. Festivities will be held on Saturday, February 19 from 2-6 p.m. at…
VERNDALE, Minn.– The Verndale Lions Club is promising the funniest night of your life and a great meal later this month. The organization’s 15th Annual Prime Rib & Comedy Night…
WADENA, Minn.– Wadena County Public Health is announcing two COVID-19 and flu vaccination clinics which will take place at their clinic location in town. Vaccinations will be held on Friday,…
To celebrate another year of pheasant hunting, Ringnecks Forevermore will be holding its annual banquet on Saturday January 29. Saturday’s banquet will begin around 5 p.m. with a game’s supper…
STAPLES, Minn.– The Staples All Veterans and Community Park Association will be holding its annual and monthly board meeting this Wednesday. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 19…