VERNDALE, Minn.– A benefit will be held for Pam Sommars at the Verndale Community Center on Saturday, October 23 from 5-8 p.m. to help pay for her medical expenses.
Sommars was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic and liver cancer and has started chemotherapy since late May. On June, 4 she was admitted to Brainerd Hospital where she was treated for gangrene in her port site, along with blood clots in her head and both legs. Her port hand to be removed and a PICC line was placed. It took an 11 day stay to get the infection under control so chemo could resume. Chemo is expected to to last until at least November when they will do more scans to see how the cancer is responding.
There will be a pulled pork dinner and silent auction to help Sommars manage the costs of her treatments. For more information on the event, you can call 218-639-7656 or email sommarsbenefit@yahoo.com. You can also check out the Facebook page for the benefit by clicking here.