BERTHA, Minn.– One school is giving those in the area an opportunity to learn about noxious weed species and how to control them.
Bertha-Hewitt Community Education is hosting an invasive noxious weed species informational session Monday, October 24 at the school.
The class will begin at 6 p.m. and last for an hour. Class will be led by Todd County Ag Inspector Nancy Uhlenkamp as she provides an informational sessions on the invasive noxious weed species that are included on the State Noxious Weed List, along with other control methods.
Those with B-H Community Ed. say that attendees to the session will receive handouts and other valuable information to take home. No pre-registration is necessary.
For any questions, you can contact Bertha-Hewitt Community Education at 218-924-3278.