Living Hope Family Church Valentine Cookie Sale
Looking for a Valentine’s Day Gift? It’s time for Living Hope Family Church of Sebeka’s Valentine Cookie Sale.
Looking for a Valentine’s Day Gift? It’s time for Living Hope Family Church of Sebeka’s Valentine Cookie Sale.
Join Wadena County 4H and the University of Minnesota Bell Museum for a fun night of science!
BHVPP wrestler David Revering set two records at this weekend’s Park Region Conference tournament.
Question: Why are the builders and developers allowed to place their advertising signs on the shoulders of the state highways and ramps on the weekends? This happens every weekend throughout the…
Wadena-Deer Creek senior Matthew Wegsheid picked up career win 50 at the Park Region Conference wrestling tournament last week.
Verndale Pirates senior Kendra Captain has signed her Letter of Intent to Central Lakes College in Brainerd.
Verndale Pirate senior Taylor Johnson has committed to play basketball at the University of Minnesota-Morris.
In a press release from the New York Mills Regional Cultural Center, they’ve announced its new gallery exhibit “Local Legends.”
GP Anderson stopped by the studio to give the latest on the Christmas in Wadena Light Show.
Central Minnesota was once again well represented at the state level, this time at the MSHSL State Swimming and Diving Championships.