NEW YORK MILLS, Minn.– The Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office responded to an active shooter situation at the Lund Boat Company in New York Mills Thursday morning.
Below is an update from the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office as of 1:40 p.m. Thursday:
A 21 year old male is in custody after a shooting at the Lund’s Boat Factory in the city of New York Mills shortly after 7 AM on February 9, 2023. The lone suspect, a Lund employee, was in a verbal confrontation with another employee when he pulled a small caliber handgun and fired a round at the 31yr old male victim. The round did not strike the victim. The suspect chased the victim outside where the victim was able to get away. Another round was possibly fired while outside. The suspect was not allowed back into the building due to an employee holding the door restricting access. Another Lund employee made contact with the suspect outside and the suspect fled, but was caught and subdued by employees prior to law enforcement arriving. The suspect was taken into custody and was transported to the OTC Jail pending crimnal charges. Had in not been for the quick actions of Lund staff members, the outcome may have been much worse.
According to the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office in a press release, deputies responded to an active shooter at the Lund Boat Company in New York Mills. Those with the department say that employees of the plant had restrained the suspect. The subject is now in OTC County Sheriff’s custody.
No injuries were reported on the scene. More information will follow. You can also follow the OTC Sheriff’s Office Facebook page for more information on the situation.